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This book was written to inform the world that God exist,and speaks to His people in this modern culture like He did back in the days of the prophets and Apostles. This first volume speaks of many revealed dreams and visions that I received from the Holy Spirit.The important chapter in this book is chapter one (1) which bear my testimony how God revealed to me that there is life after death, and because of that vision; I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. I invite every-one to pick-up a copy of this book from God, and read these short chapters, and I promise you will be blessed immensely.

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Inside the pages of this book you will not find a get rich scheme, motivational speech, ecumenical movement, or philosophic
argument for the reality of God. Enclosed is a series of personal dreams and visions revealed to me by the Holy Spirit. You will explore things that are rarely heard preached from many pulpits today. One will be captivated, thrilled with amazement at the different dimensions, and translation spoken of in this book. In addition, one will gain understanding of the mysteries of Jesus Christ, things prophesied to come, how to pray, the privilege of prayer, and what happens if one does not pray. External link opens in new tab or windowBUY NOW.